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Using the Engaging Essay or dissertation Rubric in class and University Writing Courses

In my opinion, the biggest mistake a student in any college or university can make is not using a persuasive essay rubric for their final exams

Not using the appropriate essay rubrics will often times cause students to slip through the cracks.

Students that don’t focus on the true purpose of the essay (and in the end don’t understand the true purpose) are left in a time crunch because they can’t write a good enough argument to win the argument. I remember working as a teacher at a Christian high school and the students were really struggling to write persuasive essays that would help them win their debates or get an A or B average.

The schools realized that the students weren’t paper now org learning how to write persuasive essays and it was costing them so much time. By allowing students to skip a semester of writing a persuasive essay that they would have understood if they had taken a class in the first place. Not only was it hurting the students in terms of their grades, but also in terms of getting a high grade.

Most students that take college courses and seminars about writing persuasive essays usually fail in those classes because the instructor doesn’t teach the students how to use the persuasive essay rubric. They assume that if they don’t use the correct rubric then the students will figure it out.

The reason why most college professors will give you the right advice about writing a persuasive essay, without actually using the persuasive essay rubric is because they are either too lazy to write one or too lazy to apply it. It isn’t in their nature to give valuable, applicable information.

Writing a persuasive essay is all about knowledge and understanding. If you don’t have the required knowledge, then the essay you have written will lack substance and all students that have been following the right steps to writing a persuasive essay will end up with an essay that doesn’t stand out from the rest.

Before your college professor gives you your grade, he/she should be grading you on how well you complete the task that has been assigned to you. A persuasive essay that doesn’t have sufficient information to back up your argument and reasoning is considered a failing grade.

To add more emotion to your writing, you can add some visual images or graphics to your powerful persuasive essay. This can add dimension to your arguments, and when combined with text written in clear and concise language will give you added points.

Your professor will likely never ask you to put the graphics into your persuasive essay. This is what makes them a powerful persuasive essay rubric and must be used by all writers to be successful.

Writing a persuasive essay, if done correctly, can be very interesting, inspiring and entertaining. You can use it as the basis for writing a short story, or a long thought provoking essay.

The persuasive essay rubric is one that allows the student to write something they enjoy and can enjoy themselves while they write. The advantage of using this rubric is that the student will be able to write something meaningful, creative and unique, that won’t feel like a homework assignment.

Many students need extra help because they don’t think they have the ability to write a persuasive essay. With the right guidance, the students will find that once they know how to use the rubric properly they will have a new found passion and a new found confidence in their writing abilities.

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